

Archive for the 'uncategorized' Category

Three Roads: 2007-2008

This blog is deceased. It is no more. It is an ex-blog.

Iran flunks Photoshop 101

In case you haven’t heard, Iran got so busted yesterday when they clumsily photoshopped a picture to make it look like four of their missiles launched when only three left the ground (who’s to say any of them did?). Looking slightly less dumb were the credulous newspapers that plastered the doctored photo on their front pages.

Sensing opportunity, many bloggers took up their mouses and created some truly hilarious parodies, like the one above.

Who is Barack Obama?

HERE IS A VIRAL EMAIL that’s currently wending its way through the internets:

From: [Redacted]
To: [Redacted]

There are many things people do not know about BARACK OBAMA. It is every American’s duty to read this message and pass it along to all of their friends and loved ones.

Barack Obama wears a FLAG PIN at all times. Even in the shower.

Barack Obama says the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE every time he sees an American flag. He also ends every sentence by saying, “WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.” Click here for video of Obama quietly mouthing the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in his sleep.

A tape exists of Michelle Obama saying the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE at a conference on PATRIOTISM.

Every weekend, Barack and Michelle take their daughters HUNTING.

Barack Obama is a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN. He has one HAND over his HEART at all times. He occasionally switches when one arm gets tired, which is almost never because he is STRONG.

Barack Obama has the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE tattooed on his stomach. It’s upside-down, so he can read it while doing sit-ups.

There’s only one artist on Barack Obama’s iPod: FRANCIS SCOTT KEY.

Barack Obama is a DEVOUT CHRISTIAN. His favorite book is the BIBLE, which he has memorized. His name means HE WHO LOVES JESUS in the ancient language of Aramaic. He is PROUD that Jesus was an American.

Barack Obama goes to church every morning. He goes to church every afternoon. He goes to church every evening. He is IN CHURCH RIGHT NOW.

Barack Obama’s new airplane includes a conference room, a kitchen, and a MEGACHURCH.

Barack Obama’s skin is the color of AMERICAN SOIL.


Barack Obama says that Americans cling to GUNS and RELIGION because they are AWESOME.

Actually, we can thank Christopher Beam over at Slate.com for the email.

Via: Democracy in America

Chasing … cheese

Matt Cardy/Getty Images

A DOUBLE GLOUCESTER CHEESE, to be exact. As it rolls down a steep hill. The prize? Cheese. Further explanation here.

Photo: Matt Cardy/Getty Images


Is Barack Obama Muslim?

ANSWER here.

On my way home from work last Friday, I heard a young woman (early 20s) on the train refer to Obama as Muslim.

It was odd: She was talking to her family (perhaps extended family. She seemed a little more formal and eager to impress than would be the case if it were her immediate family) about her job working for an affordable housing non-profit. She sounded intelligent and idealistic, as you might expect of someone in that position. She remarked about meeting Geraldine Ferraro at a work-related event and was clearly quite impressed. When the subject changed to presidential politics, she said she would like to see a woman become president, but not Hillary. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, she offered this clunker:

If the choice is between a woman and a Muslim, a Republican is going to win.

I couldn’t believe it.

Obama clearly has his work cut out for him. Not even the deranged Rev. Wright can convince people that Obama isn’t Muslim.

Two strangely compelling videos

How to Move a 100-Year-Old Church

The Day There Was No News

When sovereignty doesn’t matter

IT’S NOT TIME TO DEBATE issues of sovereignty—it’s time to prevent a disaster from metastasizing. Call me naive, but I think we should be sending plane-load after plane-load of aid and aid workers into Burma, with or without the permission of the military junta.

We can go in under the UN’s “responsibility to protect” principle if legal cover is necessary. Or we could hold a press conference and say that the leadership in Burma has graciously decided to allow foreign assistance. How it’s done is not the not the important thing. The going is. The going now is.