This one’s from a regular reader named Glenballs. Dan Glenballs. Weird name, yes, but ol’ Glenballs makes a good point about the noticeable lack of boot-scootin’ that accompanies indie music shows:
I went to a couple indie shows in santa monica (not hip) and stood around trying to enjoy my favorite tunes but couldn’t get past the crowd of tight jean, straight haired, out-of-shape, stiff, white, occassional swayers that listened with their minds plugged in, mentally prepping their notes for their late night blog session. what a waste! “unlock your body and move yourself to dance” was not being heard or felt, just analyzed.
I have to disagree with the notion that white listeners of indie rock are unfeeling or overly analytical. Sure, an ironic quip is never far away, but I also detect (and maybe it’s just me) a heightened sensitivity and earnestness among the indie crowd. Call it the wounded, woe-is-me vibe. I think the music is being felt, but felt in such a way as to render the body inert. But I’m out on a limb rhetorical limb here…
The last indie concert I attended was Death Cab for Cutie. (I’m sure the indie vanguard now consider them to be lowly pop, but in my world, they’re still indie. Or at the very least a hyrbid of the two.) Anyhoo, there was a considerable amount of movement at that show, and it went beyond “swaying.” That said, I don’t think any pelvises moved.
Lets finish this one like Mad Max and the giant/midget combo in Thunderdome. “two man enter, one man leave!” Just kidding, point conceded. Like Sasha I made the blunder of suggesting that hip-swaying like Mr. Mick Jagger was the physical expression of connecting with our black roots, our soul. I can’t pass judgement on these non-movers. However, I bet the last time you danced was when you were loaded with booze and your strong analytical skills were impaired. you were thinking more about getting some than your blog. Maybe that’s the problem with Santa Monica, everybody drove and nobody drank.
by the way, I’m mad max and you’re the giant/midget combo