Three songs into last night’s Idol and one thing was immediately clear: The back-to-back Beatles episodes were a bust. Most of the contestants offered feeble-to-embarrassing renditions of a bunch of timeless songs. Last night, even though there we some flops, it was easy to see that they were on more comfortable terrain.
Chikezie Cheesy.
David Archuleta Very Disney. And that’s not a compliment.
Syesha Mercado Muscular, bold performance, if not particularly earth-shattering.
Amanda Overmeyer I missed her. She brought a refreshing rebelliousness.
Michael Johns Awesome.
David Cook As much as I think it’s weird to do a cover of a cover (in this case a cover of Chris Cornell’s cover of Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean”) I will grudgingly admit that his performance was pretty great.
Brooke White Not so good. But 37 times better than her performance last week.
Carly Smithson Despite the weird finish, I thought she rocked it.
Jason Castro He’s a total bimbo, but I suppose that’s 90 percent of his charm. He chose a great Sting song but sullied it with his guitar playing.
Ramiele Malubay Can’t for the life of me remember anything about her performance …
Kristy Lee Cook As an anti-American, I thought this performance was a travesty. Just kidding. (About the anti-American part.)
Paula What on earth were your wearing on your hands?
You can’t remember my performance because you were in the kitchen fiddling with the computer. You missed it. That hurts.
See, I thought Brooke (blonde, right? I’m not great with names…) was pretty great (pre-synth) this week. I was so disgraced by Kristy Lee and David A that I had to pretend use the rest room.
I think Jason’s gone. I think Paula enjoys a few oxycontin before the show. Might explain the glove/sleeve thingys.
ALSO, the Beatles weeks were a travesty. I had to pretend use the restroom a lot.
It’s funny that we willingly subject ourselves to such regular discomfort (that is, except when we absolutely most leave the room).