

Is McCain too sleazy?

McCain NYT story fallout: Some speculate that there is more to the story, but the Times was persuaded by its lawyers to be cautious.

Conservatives, meanwhile, will react in any number of ways:

  • They’ll pat John McCain on the back and say “Welcome to club! We’re cheats, too!”
  • They’ll rally around him and work even harder to destroy the evil New York Times.
  • They’ll drag Mittens back into the race.

2 Responses to “Is McCain too sleazy?”

  1. 1 Logan

    I am not so politically minded as to weigh in on all this presidency stuff. I go with what my gut tells me like dubya. But I wanted to mention that I am really enjoying Mariah’s picture you have up in the corner. It looks like they are contemplating whether or not they should go into that recently discovered tunnel. It is an entertaining picture so it fits with your blog.

  2. 2 Jeb

    Thanks, Logan. I’ll pass on the compliment to Mariah!

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