At the repeated request of a friend, we watched “The Great Race” this weekend.
Though I was already a fan of the late Jack Lemmon, I am now a super fan. His performance as the villainous daredevil Professor Fate will stick with me forever. (As will his simultaneous performance as the prodigal drunkard Prince Hapnick.)
Anyway, I must spread the word and encourage you watch this delightfully loony movie, which, by the way, includes a four minute pie-throwing scene.
The Columbia Journalism Review, in conjunction with the company Journosoft, has thrown Sarah Palin a life line. They’re offering Palin their newest product: Gotchaware™, a great tool for inexperienced pols who have been thrust into the national spotlight only to be hounded with questions (hard questions!) from the snooty news media.
In case you haven’t heard, Iran got so busted yesterday when they clumsily photoshopped a picture to make it look like four of their missiles launched when only three left the ground (who’s to say any of them did?). Looking slightly less dumb were the credulous newspapers that plastered the doctored photo on their front pages.
Sensing opportunity, many bloggers took up their mouses and created some truly hilarious parodies, like the one above.
Apropos of nothing … entirely unrelated to the heavy conversation on judicial philosophy in the comments section of the Obama post … here’s a funny video. Yay!