–Bill Clinton on the prospect of a third Bush term McCain presidency.
Bill, you found your way back to my heart.
[Update: Poor John Kerry! Imagine having to follow that act.]
–Bill Clinton on the prospect of a third Bush term McCain presidency.
Bill, you found your way back to my heart.
[Update: Poor John Kerry! Imagine having to follow that act.]
He was awesome. Dan and I were wondering if you could be a VP after having been the commander in chief. Probably not, right? Otherwise a Gore/Clinton ticket could have been fun.
That said, I’m starting to drink the Obama Kool-Aid. Not like there was any chance I’d be voting fo McCain…I’ve just been rather apathetic (compared to most) about Obama.
Yeah, Bill was great. He made such a jerk of himself in the primary, but he redeemed himself with this speech. Kerry wasn’t half bad either. (Which was a surprise.)
Gore/Clinton: Not sure about the constitutionality of that one, but it would be pretty great.
I remember hearing a some point that Bill Clinton could technically run for president of France, because France allows residents of current and former territories to run. (Arkansas was once part of France, until it was sold as part of the Louisiana purchase.)
I’m not sure if that’s totally true, but the thought of it makes me laugh.