NEWSWEEK’S FAREED ZAKARIA calls McCain’s recent foreign policy speech “radical” and “schizophrenic”:
On March 26, McCain gave a speech on foreign policy in Los Angeles that was billed as his most comprehensive statement on the subject. It contained within it the most radical idea put forward by a major candidate for the presidency in 25 years. Yet almost no one noticed.
The radical idea? Basically, President McCain would have us systematically disenfranchise Russia, China and other autocratic regimes we don’t like, who, as Zakaria rightly points out, are the very countries whose cooperation we desperately need to tackle global terrorism and maintain the global economy.
Can we now, as a country, agree that John McCain, war hero and overall war aficionado, is not very smart when it comes to foreign policy? Or do we have to elect him president first and then find out?
[Update: I never meant to become so stridently anti-John McCain on this blog ... ]
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